Saturday, January 25, 2014


This month the 4th grade and 8th grade students worked collaboratively on an Explain Everything project on the iPads. The 4th grade experts taught the 8th grade about bones and joint angles and the 8th grade experts helped the 4th grade learn how to transfer data from different programs on the iPads to create a finished project.

Students worked together to take pictures of each other and then labeled on the pictures the different bones in the body and angels that our bodies can make.  One of the benefits of using the Explain Everything app is that we can record the student’s voices and handwriting on each picture and then combine all of the pictures into mini-movies.  

The 8th grade technology is class is now in the process of taking each individual mini movie and combining it into one iMovie presentation and that will be shared with the 4th grade class. 
Thanks 4th Grade for letting us show off our technology skills!!