Wednesday, September 24, 2014



We are once again collecting Box Tops at school.  We have collected enough Box Tops to add a ROCK CLIMBING WALL to the new gym!  Look for an announcement coming soon as to what we are saving for next!  

The next mailing date for Box Tops is October 20th.  Please send your collection to school to be included in the fall count.  The spring mailing will be in February.

2014 PE Shoe Challenge

The 2014 PE Shoe Challenge!
The elementary Phys Ed classes are in a competition to see who can earn the most SMILEY FACES by Christmas break, with the winning class receiving an EXTRA PE time.  One of our goals in Phys Ed is for everyone to have fun and be safe, and we can’t do either if we are wearing sandals, boots or flip flops to class.

Every elementary student received a reminder note at the Back to School Bash to have at home to help them remember to wear appropriate and safe shoes on PE days.  Please help your child, and their class, to remember safe shoes!