Wednesday, November 20, 2013

2013-2014 Tech Club

The Tech Club in Schleswig is open to all students in the 5th through 8th grades.  We meet on Wednesday mornings before school to work on a variety of technology based projects.   These dedicated students spend their study hall and free time to complete their assigned projects and to research and create using new technology applications.

This year we have about thirty students working on projects such as:
  • ·         taking pictures and creating the school Memory Book,
  • ·         filming and editing the school concerts and plays
  • ·         creating the 8th grade graduation video
  • ·         assisting teachers with their technology needs
  • ·         coding
  • ·         preparing and presenting community education opportunities


Monday, May 13, 2013

Save Five For Schools

Shown here is part of the counting and cleaning process that happens before we can turn in Land O’Lakes milk and juice caps for the Save Five for Schools promotion.

I just received word from Land O’Lakes that the Save Five for Schools milk cap promotion will be ending on May 31st.  Beginning June 1st, the Save Five for Schools label will no longer be found on Land O’Lakes milk and juice products.  We will, however, be able to submit milk caps until the end of September.
            Please continue collecting milk caps with the Land O’Lakes Save Five for Schools label on them and we will continue to count and package them up to submit for our regular submission date in the end of September.  This will be the last collection time for these caps so please contact everyone who saves milk caps for you and get them turned in the to the school as soon as school starts in August so we have time to process them before the due date.
            Thank you so much for your continued collection of milk caps and Box Tops.  If our collection rate continues on as it has been for the last three years, we should meet our goal of a ROCK CLIMBING WALL in the 2013-14 school year! 
Keep sending in your collection – it does make a difference!

Friday, April 26, 2013

2012-13 Schleswig Technology Club

 I want to take this opportunity to THANK the Schleswig Tech Club for all of their hard work this year.    The Tech Club meets in a large group setting before school on Wednesday mornings and often spends their own free time to complete the projects they are responsible for.  The kids chose to focus on six different areas this year including: creating the memory book, filming and editing the concerts and play (which can all be found on the school’s YouTube channel), creating an 8th grade graduation project, various photography projects, an in-depth study of coding and video games and serving as a teacher assist group to help teachers with their technology needs. 

Thank you to the 2012-13 Schleswig Tech Club!
Your willingness to be technology leaders in our school is one of the reasons that our school is so GREAT!
I am proud of what you have accomplished this year.

Thursday, March 21, 2013


It is officially Spring in the Phys Ed Department – it’s Archery Season!! 

Every Spring, the 5-8th grade spends one month learning and reviewing the safety rules of archery and then trying to beat their own best score.  Towards the end of the unit we all have fun competing in crazy shooting challenges and games. 


Here in Schleswig we follow the National Archery in Schools Program (NASP) guidelines and protocols.  The NASP program is based on safe shooting skills and the belief that all students can find success with this activity.  Through our study we focus on technique, safety, mental concentration, core strength and self-improvement all while enjoying this life-long activity.


Monday, February 18, 2013


On February 5th, Brandi Preul from the Iowa Youth Rugby Association was here to teach our students about Rugby.  According to Brandi, non-contact rugby has demonstrated nearly twenty times the effectiveness of other traditional PE sports - with students typically going from introduction to full speed in around twenty minutes.  Students playing non-contact rugby in PE are in their target heart rate 92% of the time!

Ball handling drills.

Stefani looking to pass!

7th Grade ready to start.

5th Grade passing game.

3rd Grade playing Rugby.

The Iowa Youth Rugby Association, donated four rugby balls to our Phys Ed program and the instructions to many lead up activities that are both fun and safe to play in PE.  Non-contact rugby can be played at all age levels and both indoors (preferred) and out.

Thanks Brandi and the Iowa Youth Rugby Association, for a SUPER experience for our students!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

It’s that time of year again…
BOX TOPS ARE DUE on February 22nd.
Please send your collection to school so it can be included in this counting period. 

The next counting period will be in September.  Thank you SO much for helping us work towards our goal of a ROCK CLIMBING WALL!!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Duncan Anderson, a Registered Dietitian from cbm food service, (the company that runs our new lunch program this year) is in the middle if a twelve week wellness instructional program here at our school.  Duncan comes in every Wednesday and co-teaches the 4th grade Phys Ed class with me.  He has been covering the USDA My Plate guidelines and how to make healthy choices with the kids, as well as, patiently fielding ALL of the questions that 4th grade has about the new lunch program and the changes that they have noticed this year.

Through class discussion, hands on activity, games and exercise they 4th grade has been learning a lot about what makes a healthy plate!
4th grade is playing a game to learn about protein.

Duncan and the 4th Grade discussing the food groups.

Making place mats as a reminder to what a balanced plate looks like.

4th Grade trying tofu?!?