Monday, November 23, 2015

A Box Tops Update

Christmas Break Clipping!!
Did you know you can find Box Tops on many of the brands you use to make your holiday dinner, from potatoes to crescent rolls?  They are even on lots of products used for your Christmas baking!!
Remember to clip those Box Tops and turn them in to school.  They really add up!  Thanksgiving and Christmas are also great times to remind your extended family that we are a Box Tops school and would love their help in collecting for our school!

Have a GREAT break!!

The Schleswig School collected $459.80 this fall through Box Tops!!  We are using this money to purchase some additional resources to use with our rock climbing wall.
The next submission date will be in the middle of February – so keep clipping!!
Thank you for your continued support of our Box Tops program!

Learn more about how you can help our school at

Monday, October 26, 2015

OMG... I forgot to publish this post!! :)

We are now officially a month in to the school year and we are starting to fly in the MS Computer classes.  The seventh and eighth grade started the year off by working a “Selfie” project that had them thinking about what they are excited about and what their goals are for this school year, and then trying to find a way to depict that in a selfie.  I am very happy with the way that this project turned out and if you haven’t been able to catch it when you have been in at school, I plan on showing it again at Parent/Teacher Conferences the end of this month.  It was a great way for the students to reflect on what amazing opportunities they have here at Schleswig.


Sixth grade is just finishing up their first spreadsheet project of the year.  We started by learning how cells have “addresses” to help us stay organized and ending by learning how to use simple functions such as AutoSum to do the math for us!  The students completed the same spreadsheet in Excel and Google Sheets in order to compare and contrast the two programs.


Fifth grade also did a compare and contrast project using Microsoft Word and Google Docs.  They created a calendar using the table functions and then added clip art and important dates to their work.  It was an eye-opening experience for this class to see that you can use a computer for more than playing Minecraft and checking email.


Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Spring Means ARCHERY in Phys Ed!!

The 5th – 8th grade Physical Education students have started their archery unit for the year.  After determining their dominate eye, building and practicing with string bows, and completing the group and individual safety evaluations, we are ready to start shooting!   We will spend about 3 class periods shooting for high score and high average out of five arrow sets and then we will spend the last two weeks playing target games like Battleship, Wild West Shoot-Out and having a balloon pop!

8th grade practicing the ten steps to safely shoot a bow.

Learning to count points.

7th grade following the NASP safe shooting proceedures.