Monday, May 13, 2013

Save Five For Schools

Shown here is part of the counting and cleaning process that happens before we can turn in Land O’Lakes milk and juice caps for the Save Five for Schools promotion.

I just received word from Land O’Lakes that the Save Five for Schools milk cap promotion will be ending on May 31st.  Beginning June 1st, the Save Five for Schools label will no longer be found on Land O’Lakes milk and juice products.  We will, however, be able to submit milk caps until the end of September.
            Please continue collecting milk caps with the Land O’Lakes Save Five for Schools label on them and we will continue to count and package them up to submit for our regular submission date in the end of September.  This will be the last collection time for these caps so please contact everyone who saves milk caps for you and get them turned in the to the school as soon as school starts in August so we have time to process them before the due date.
            Thank you so much for your continued collection of milk caps and Box Tops.  If our collection rate continues on as it has been for the last three years, we should meet our goal of a ROCK CLIMBING WALL in the 2013-14 school year! 
Keep sending in your collection – it does make a difference!

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